What is our site about?

Backspace is a site that is made to help, and inform Information Security specialists, with a variety of different tools to be used as a portable source to help conduct Information Gathering via many different forms.The following online tools that our site will provide are DNS Enumeration, In Depth Port scanning, Whois Lookup, various different tools to perform OSINT Passive Information gathering such as, people lookup, subdomain enumeration, Google Dorking capabilities with a plethora of search options.

There are also sections to help inform the average person of everyday security risks evolving around Wireless Technologies, Web Applications, Networks, and showing you how to secure your devices, along with extra resources to further the learning process. To 1up this; We’ve provided a section specifically full of security videos for those that learn better through visualization. This is our way of giving back to the community, and making sure that as many people have the readily information available. If you’re going to get connected, why not be secure?

Why base your site on security?

We really enjoy learning about security mainly in computing (and outside of it), it’s a really interesting topic and the amount of things related to computer security is endless really so we have a lot of material to refer from.

What are we hoping to achieve?

Information Security is a tough subject for a lot of people, us included. We’ve managed to learn a lot but we encountered many obstacles along the way that hindered our progress. We’re hoping to make a site with useful security tools, advice and guides that are accessible to everybody, whether you’re already experienced in the field or just starting out. We hope to make a site that can be a useful resource for all.

What problems are you anticipating?


Api’s to use: shodan API, ViewDNS api,